Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I cried! I cried!
First time in my life, I shed tears in front of my students!!
So, so, so... embarassing

Last Friday, TD8 celebrated my farewell & belated birthday.

I like what they wrote on the cake: "Happy Birthday SPHERICAL BEAUTY (means pretty no matter which angle you view from) , from KONGKONGPHILE (means those who love Kong; in Latin, 'phile' means love)
Is also Ms MCC's (Mong Cha Cha) birthdayThey got me a HUGE card with lots of kisses inside
Students singing farewell song while presenting the slides they prepared specially for me. That's when I...
I try my very best to hold my tears, but I burst at last.
The cheeky monkey who self-claimed to be the most handsome guy in class. Can't believe that he is so brave to have physical contact with me!!

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