In order to set a good example, I, as the mentor prepared lots of fruits -- pineapple, pears, apples, madarine oranges, pecimons. I bought varieties of fruits the night before & only cut them in the morning cause I want to serve fresh but not oxidised fruits to my beloved children.
We started the makan-makan session with 'lou sang'. It was the first time for my internationational students, majority of them love it!! I told my students that 'lou sang' started from Hong Kong (I thought). Later, after some research (via internet & family members) only I realise that it was from Singapore....sorry kids!!
Although all the hard work, we all have fun:)
After all the mouth watering food, we spring cleaned a nearby housing estate (HDB Flats) on 5th February 2008. Our school officially adopted block 405 & 406 as majority of the tenants are senior citizens.
Our class incharged of Block 405 level 10,11 & 12. All these floors are quite clean, thus, we manage to complete the task in about 30minutes. We then moved to other floors to help other classes.
are you working?
still remember vividely when these girls asked me to clear the fresh dog poo
Hopefully the students understand the objectives of these 2 programs.
Why does your school have so many nice activities?
By the way, naughty food?! sweat
Yalor ... UTAR is sooo ... sooo ... speechless =.=
After all majority of UTAR students only know how to study XDXD @.@
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