Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another piece of darling's work

Long long time ago in a far far away place live a king who has a beautiful princess. One day the king decided that it is time for her to get married but there was one problem...

The king called upon all princes, generals and wise men. Whoever was the smartest will marry the lovely princess. So, they did all sort of tricks but still the king was unhappy...

Till a young man came and say "I can make this rock float in the air". Everyone laughed at him but the king asked him to go on. How did he make the rock float in the air?

The young man wrapped the rock with a cloth and hammerred the rock to pieces and ashes. He then openned up the cloth and blew the powder away. True enough, the rock is now floating in the air:)

The young man then marry the lovely princess and they live happily ever after...

Moral of the story:
If there is someone who can make me fall like the rock in love and then melt my heart away and make my heart float all over, she has to be.....YOU!

*I found this last night, darling wrote this on 18 June 2002

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