Friday, December 25, 2009

Too Old for Merry Christmas?

Came back from Orchard not long ago...

We went out at about 9+pm, after a long day of work for both of us. Many people said one must view the Christmas lightings and take pictures when visit Singpore during this festive month. After 2 years of staying in Singapore, we decided to join the crowd this year.

I regretted... We both regretted...

First of all, I don't think that the lighting is fantastic. We didn't take any photo. However, many people were amazed with the colourful and vibrant decorations along the street.
Secondly, the place was so crowded. At one point, we were sweating and suffocating. I really pity those kids and wondered why their parents bring them out to such crowded place?! I hope the kids have some fun after wasted so much tears and sweat.


Is it because of age? I no longer like crowded places. I worry that someone will snatch my bag, I dislike body contact with strangers, especially sweaty & smelly strangers.... Also, I reckon is it not worth to spend so much $$ on the decorations. What do you think?

My feet are aching:( Since young, if I walk too much or carry something heavy, I will have difficulty going to bed as my feet will ache a lot. For the past few weeks/months, my right heel has not been well and the aching got worse for the past few weeks. Darling said I must consult doctor and go for x-ray soon, but I am delaying/avoiding...

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