Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Event: BBQ
Venue: Maimun's house (our CT)
Date: 15 May 2007 (Tuesday)
Guests: Boss Choong & his fellow maids
Our lazy and dirty Boss Choong

Boss Chong aka BABU is busy with his game while the 'maids' are doing the work

The 'maids' are taking a break after the preparation work
(left to right: Letchumi, Aminah, Saraswati)

Abu is doing his best to start the fire

Q: Why the fire is not ready?!
A: No matches or lighter...
(left to right: Saraswati, Monica, Veron, Aminah, Maria)

Wow!! Some of the mouth watering dinner

Waiting patiently for food
(middle: Jann)

What is Babu doing?!
(left to right: CheeHiong, Babu, MC, Boey, Maimun)

Ish!! She looks weird?!
Oh My God!! You are so smelly after the bbq

Games after heavy meals

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